Well, working alone hasn't been easy, so far i was able to come up with my opening film genre and the plot. Also, with other classes to worry about, juggling this project with the rest has been a struggle recently. Now, I am completely sure that it will be an action/ sci-fi film. I have completed the story line and the rough draft of the storyboard. I will be using this website that will help me create a more detailed and visually entertaining storyboard. I have been doing some research on what color scheme my story board will be that will be also on the film opening. I have found many great articles that explain how colors can affect the way we see things. This Cinema5 article goes into great detail on which color schemes are used in well know movies. Color can affect us psychologically and physically, often without us being aware, and can be used as a strong device within a story. Being able to use color to create harmony, or tension within a scene, or to bring attention to a key visual theme can be used to spectacular effect. What i have been thinking of implementing to my film opening is a more distinct color pattern, since the entire opening will be in a forest with woods. So, a lot of green and grey.
"5 Common Film Color Schemes - Cinematic Color Design." Cinema5D. N.p., 21 Oct. 2016. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
Prototypes, LLC Clever. "The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator." Storyboard That. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.
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