
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Editing 4/2

9:20 am
Today I will be transferring the raw footage from the camera to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 to analyse what can be cut and what will stay. With one challenge, to be two minutes and make sense. With the selected raw clips combined, I have a total of four minutes and fifty two seconds which have to be edited.

10:00 am
I was successful on making the film two minutes. It is still pretty raw any needs tons of editing, as in transitions, more cuts, sounds and etc... Now that i'm finally watching it, I can get a sense of what it will look like. And i got to say, it does not look like an action film, more like a psychological horror, but I am extremely happy and satisfied with the "end" result.

Around 10:06am
After messing around with the cut tool for a while, I decided that it would be a good idea to save my project. As I click on "Save as", a peculiar message pops up saying the following:

" Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 had stopped working"

... After I raged for twenty minutes straight and after almost tossing my computer out the window, I took a deep breath restarted my project from scratch. At least I knew which clips I would use and where to cut. Which made the experience more bearable.  From then on, I began pressing the save button every five minutes just to be sure. You cant never be to careful.

I began downloading sound effects that I'll use for my film. I created a free account on freesound that allows me access to hundreds of useful and interesting sound effects, all royalty free!

So far, it looks, and sounds, great! I added the top and bottom black lines to give professional look to the film.
Black lines  

"" - N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Apr. 2017.

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